Preparing for Transition for Year 6 - Year 7 (IOW schools)

Prioritising effective transitions for Looked After Children is clearly outlined in the statutory guidance; the guidance states that we must ensure:

  • there is effective induction for looked-after and previously looked-after children starting school, new to the school and new to care
  • there are effective procedures in place to support a looked-after child’s learning; particular account is taken of the child’s needs when joining the school and of the importance of promoting an ethos of high expectations about what s/he can achieve
  • transitions to the next phase of a child’s education are supported effectively to avoid children losing ground – e.g. moving schools from primary to secondary school or because of a change in placement or exclusion

The guidelines also provide guidance on how schools and the local authority work together to ‘maximise their effectiveness’. It asks that designated teachers consider what arrangements the school should make to facilitate effective co-operation with other professionals, in particular the VS and SEND department in the authority to make sure that when a looked-after child moves school the designated teacher, at the new school, is provided with any information they need to help the transition process.

This course will enable us corporate parents to fulfil these duties.

ATAS Re-ignite 2022

Refresher training focused on the importance of relationships, recovery from trauma and to help plan how you can use this learning to continue your school’s development with regards to trauma informed practice.

Statutory Training for NEW Designated Teachers Hampshire and IOW - including how to use the PEP Toolkit

This course is for all new DTs in Hampshire and IOW Schools starting Autumn term 2021.  This area is for support and resources throughout your first academic year.

IOW - ATAS Re-ignite 2022/23

Refresher training focused on the importance of relationships, recovery from trauma and to help plan how you can use this learning to continue your school’s development with regards to trauma informed practice.

Understanding and meeting the needs of looked after children in YR 22/23

Adapting classroom practice to enable engagement and progress.