Topic outline

    • Governing bodies should, through the designated teacher, hold the school to account on how it supports its looked-after and previously looked-after children (including how the PP+ is used) and their level of progress. In some schools, designated teachers do this by providing the governing body with a regular report. The patchy nature in the numbers of looked-after and previously looked-after children in any one school means it would be best to have a flexible approach to providing such a report. Page 9 The Designated teacher for Looked After and Post Looked after children  Statutory Guidance 2018

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    • It is not expected that schools have a separate school policy for Looked After Children as there is an expectation that Designated Teachers will contribute and help develop and review whole school policies and procedures with their knowledge of what it means to be care experienced and through the lens of a care experienced young person. (see P12 note 12 of The Designated teacher for looked after and previously looked after children - Statutory guidance on their roles and responsibilities.)

      For schools who do wish to have an additional separate policy, this  is an example policy that could be adapted. 

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