Virtual schools have a statutory duty (from September 2018) to provide advice, guidance and information to schools, parents and a range of professionals around improving the educational outcomes of previously looked after children.

The Virtual School promotes a culture of high aspirations, progress and achievements for all our vulnerable children and young people.

The Virtual School are not corporate parents for this group of children, so do not have a role or remit to monitor or case hold these children.

Here you will find advice and guidance for supporting those previously looked after children (PLAC), now adopted, under special guardianship order or child arrangement (previously residency) orders.

Please get in touch to ask for further information, advice or guidance by emailing the

Professionals, parents and carers can arrange to speak with a member of the Virtual School team by emailing

PLAC Status

Information and details on which children hold Previously Looked After Child (PLAC) status.

Education advice for parents, carers and guardians

General information on schools and the education system. 

PLAC Education Support Plans (ESPs)

For adopted children, children with special guardianship, or those with child arrangement orders.

DfE Statutory Guidance

DfE Statutory Guidance around PLAC children.

School Suspensions and Exclusions

Information and advice on school suspensions and exclusions. 

PLAC Parental Surveys

Information on our parental surveys in 2019 and 2022.

Parent, Carer and Guardian Guides

A range of information and guides on topics which might be of interest and support. 

Frequently Asked Questions

A range of information on common and frequently asked questions.